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Clevedon is in the North Somerset unitary authority of the United Kingdom, and is about 13 miles from Bristol.  We perform one main Gilbert & Sullivan show a year in middle/ late May, with occasional concerts during the rest of the year.

New members are always welcome, especially tenors and basses!  

Call in to our rehearsals any Friday (November - May): 7.30-10.00pm in the hall under St Peters Church, corner of Copse Road/Alexandra Road, BS21 7QN    

Or see the Facebook Page for more information.

Site designed by Geoff Hale        © Clevedon G&S Society 2006-2024  


Last update - 20 May 2024

Next Production:

Tickets Available From:

clevedongands.boxoffice@gmail.com   Or

By telephone (01275 873902) from 02 April  Or at
